Minggu, 29 September 2013

galau: nggak ya lau

dummy rundown per 6 jam. 6x60=360, /5=72 @5min :
aerial shoot ; perbatasan2, pinggir2 pantai, desa2 tertinggal
musik modern x6
musik tradisi
film cerita x6
profil x3
film komedi x3
teater club
teater rakyat
dance modern x3 
dance tradisi
pasar seni n kerajinan x3
galeri n lukisan
permainan anak
upacara adat x3
games remaja x6
kue2 modifikasi x3
masakan modern n tradisi
minuman modern n tradisi
beladiri silat n beladiri impor
 tanaman herbal x3
hewan pliharaan x3
arsitektur tradisi n modern
kehidupan dalam air, underwater shoot
profesi org desa x3
pertandingan olahraga x3
home industri unik x3
peralatan rumah
peralatan bengkel
garage sale
modifikasi x6
most documentary
lost documentary
Showreel 8 min = 8x60=480, / 30=16, @16min ;
clip music
film cerita
tari tradisional
home industri / kerajinan
lukisan / galeri
upacara adat
hitech gadget / games remaja
kuliner / dapur jue
profil daeral
garage sale
kontrol insting/naluri
selalu ciptakan yg baru
kerjakan pd wilayah sesuai kemampuan, agar berfungsi dan berfaedah
perlu miliki jiwa/roh yg kuat
tekun membuat jatuh cinta pd pekerjaan kita
kebenaran perlu dipupuk utk mengetahui fakta lebih jauh
jujur n tdk memihak, tdk egois, tdk melulu diri sendiri
buat usaha utk memaksimalkan potensi tubuh n pikiran
pengalaman dan bacaan memeri dorongan, inspirasi n kreasi
tingkatkan pekerja yg kurang produktif
never lose hope
seek rightteousness
avoid the easy way
heaven or hell
trust from within
see things as they are
attention to detail
rely on your subconscious mind
follow your philisophy, truths n principles
selalu bergembiralah
selalu miliki harapan akan hari esok lebih baik
usaha yg sungguh2 n tekad bulat yg benar
win win opportunities sebagai gabungan sinergi
tumbuhkan n cari terus keyakinan n kepercayaan
lihat segala sesuatu scr obyektif
mau berkorban
tak ada masalah yg tdk ada solusinya
kemampuan org diukur dari kecanggihannya membuat keputusan
fungsi otak bawah sadar; mempercepat / memudahkan membuat keputusan yg tepat
pedoman dari dalam hati yg membimbing keputusan yg tepat
prinsip2 dasar n kebenaran adalah pedoman n pertimbangan
unsur2 pola pikir diantaranya;
olah pikir
pelihara harapan
cari kebenaran
menentukan yg benar
percaya diri
kata hati
kurangi formalitas
hadapi realitas
simplify situation
perubahan sebagai peluang
pompa semangat diri n team
kritis pada tradisi
intelektualitas yg membimbing
fokus pd nilai
kurangi campur tangan pd pekerjaan org lain
ajak n libatkan team dlm pemikiran
agendakan evaluasi
kerjakan dgn cepat
percaya diri
tetapkan target n sasaran
singkirkan halangan
utarakan visi anda
serap gagasan baik dari mana saja
motivasi org lain agar berprestasi
cari kualitas adalah tugas
senantiasa adakan perubahan
happy work / bersenang2lah pd pekerjaan kita

Sabtu, 28 September 2013

action classic black fantasies

26 September melalui seluler
PANCASILA : tau nyebutinnya, gak tau maksudnya
24 September melalui seluler
Share your everlasting mind in blog, as digital thought of your life n inspirations
25 September melalui seluler
Mari berdoa: Ya Tuhan Engkau pernah memberi kekuatan padaku dulu saat aku baik, juara dan menang, berilah kembali kekuatan itu krn aku membutuhkannya saat2 ini, amin
24 September melalui seluler
...and when I see your eyes, I can't go on with lies, it breaks your heart but I just can't hide it oh
Presiden harusnya tau brp luas lahan produktif se nusantara ini yg gak diapa2in, program yg pas buat pemerataan ekonomi, spt transmigrasi
23 September melalui seluler
Kmrn sore ngangkat cewe abg ketabrak kopaja, kejet2. Malemnya perut mules2 mencry2 ampe skrg

Sabtu, 21 September 2013

movie inspiration

16 September melalui seluler
Jangan protes lagi, semua pemimpin bego itu siapa yg milih / knape elo golput?!
17 September melalui seluler
Sehat; jauh lebih berharga dari perkara apapun
Riana Prunelle, Mathilda Maramis, Rimbo Bawono dan 8 lainnya menyukai ini
18 September melalui seluler
Rupanya kehadiran Vicki membuat kita 'bercermin' apa kita sdh berbahasa yg benar (sesuai kondisi dan tepat sasaran)?
Acil Sang Pujangga menyukai ini.
19 September melalui seluler
Memaknai peristiwa; gak ada yg statis, semua berubah, sadar / tdk manusia memilih setiap saat
20 September melalui seluler
Filsuf yunani kuno Plato; manusia yg sehat ; seimbang gymnastic n intuisi, latihan fisik n psikis
Joseph Rumba dan Yoga Saptadi menyukai ini.
20 September melalui seluler
Sekali kompromi, selanjutnya kebablasan
kecerdikan dipakai pada saat yg tepat apalagi di situasi darurat 
ketangkasan juga begitu

Troy is a 2004 epic war film written by David Benioff and directed by Wolfgang Petersen and loosely based on Homer's Iliad. It features an ensemble cast that includes Brad Pitt, Eric Bana, Orlando Bloom, Diane Kruger, Saffron Burrows, Sean Bean, Brian Cox, Brendan Gleeson, Rose Byrne, Vincent Regan, Garrett Hedlund, Tyler Mane, and Peter O'Toole.
It was nominated for the Academy Award for Costume Design.


Prince Hector and his young brother Paris negotiate peace between Troy and Sparta. Paris has fallen in love with Helen, the wife of king Menelaus, and smuggles her to Troy. Infuriated, Menelaus vows revenge. Menelaus approaches his brother Agamemnon, a king of Mycenae who has conquered every army of Greece, and now commands them. Agamemnon, who has wanted to conquer Troy for years, uses this as a justification to invade Troy. General Nestor asks him to take the legendary warrior Achilles.
Odysseus, a king of Ithaca commanded by Agamemnon, visits Phtia to persuade Achilles to fight, and finds him training with Patroclus, his cousin. Achilles, pondering his decision, visits his mother Thetis for advice. She tells him that, before he was even born, she knew this day would come. She also tells him that if he does not go to Troy, he will live a long, happy life and have children, but after he dies, his name will be forgotten and nobody will remember him. If he does go to Troy, he will find great glory in battle, his name will be written into history forever, but he will die there. Achilles, wanting his name to be remembered, chooses to go.
The Greeks sail for Troy. Achilles and the Myrmidons are the fastest rowers and land before anyone else. They kill many Trojans and desecrate the temple of Apollo. Briseis, a member of the Trojan royal family, is captured and taken as a prize to the Greeks, despite Achilles claiming her as a war prize himself.
Achilles and his Myrmidons do not fight the next day because of Agamemnon's unfair claim to Briseis. With Greeks surrounding Troy, Paris challenges Menelaus to a duel to settle things, using the Sword of Troy, his father claiming that the city's people have a future so long as the sword is in the hands of a Trojan. Menelaus agrees; however, Agamemnon plans on attacking the city regardless of the outcome. Paris is easily defeated, and wounded. Hector intervenes and kills Menelaus. The Greeks charge the Trojan lines but are forced to fall back as they are nearly wiped out by archers on Troy's walls. Ajax is slain in the battle at the hands of Hector.
Agamemnon gives Briseis to his men to amuse them after their terrible loss, but Achilles rescues her after they try to rape her. He carries her back to his tent and tends to her wounds. Briseis then tries to kill Achilles but realizes that she has feelings for him and the two make love. The next day, Achilles readies his men to leave, much to Patroclus' indignation.
That night, the Trojans launch a surprise offensive against the Greek encampment, aiming to destroy their boats and prevent their escape. As the Greeks seem to be on the verge of defeat, Achilles appears with the Myrmidons and joins the battle, eventually fighting against Hector. The battle goes much better for the Greeks than before, but all are shocked when Hector cuts Achilles' throat. Hector removes his foe's helmet, revealing the face of Patroclus. After Hector finishes the mortally wounded youth mercifully, both armies agree to end fighting for the day. Before he leaves, Odysseus informs Hector it was Achilles' cousin whom he had killed.
Achilles, who had slept through the battle, is told by Eudorus of his cousin's death. The Greeks had also mistaken Patroclus for Achilles, since he had put on Achilles' armor and moved like Achilles. Furious, Achilles attacks Eudorus and when Briseis tries to stop him, he throws her to the ground. Later that night, Achilles lights Patroclus' funeral pyre. Meanwhile, in Troy, Hector realizes that Achilles will seek revenge for the death of his cousin, and begins making preparations to save his loved ones. He leads Andromache to a secret path out of the city, asking her to use it if the city falls.
The next day Achilles approaches the gates of Troy alone and shouts for Hector to come out and face him. Hector knows he must face him alone, so he says his goodbyes to his family and friends and then confronts Achilles. The two fight an evenly matched duel at the start, but Hector begins to tire against the relentless assault of Achilles. Eventually, Achilles slays Hector by wounding him with a broken spear then stabbing him in the chest with his sword. He then ties Hector's body to the back of his chariot, dragging it to the ships, leaving all the Trojans shocked. That night, King Priam (Peter O'Toole) visits the Greek army's camp to convince Achilles to let him retrieve Hector's body. Moved by the king's plea, Achilles acquiesces to his request and allows him to take his son to be buried. Achilles breaks down and cries while preparing Hector's body for transport back to Troy. He tells Priam that Hector was the best he had ever fought. He also gives Priam his word that no Greek will attack Troy for 12 days. Achilles lets Priam take Briseis back as well. He later apologizes to Eudorus for harming him and gives him one last order: to take the Myrmidons home.
Maquette Trojan Horse, used in Troy, a gift from Brad Pitt to the Turkish town Canakkale.
During the 12 day-truce, Troy mourns Hector's death while Agamemnon fumes at the loss of an opportunity to end the war once and for all and the Trojans are in disarray at the loss of their top general even though his generals, including Odysseus, inform him that the death of Hector makes no difference as the Greeks still can't breach the walls of Troy. Seeing that the mad king will sooner see every one of his own men slaughtered before he gives up his ambition, Odysseus plans to infiltrate the city by building a hollowed-out wooden horse. The Greeks leave the horse at their camp and then depart, hiding their ships in a nearby cove. Priam trusts his priests that the horse is an offering to Poseidon and a gift, despite the misgivings of Paris and Glaucus. Assuming victory, the Trojans take the horse into the city and celebrate. A Trojan scout finds the Greek ships hiding in the cove, but is killed by their archers before he can spread the news. A band of Greeks led by Achilles and Odysseus come out of the horse at night, opening the gates to the city allowing the main army to enter. The Greeks commence the Sack of Troy, massacring the inhabitants and looting buildings. The Trojan army attempts to defend the royal palace but fails and the Greeks storm in.
While Troy is burned, Andromache helps Helen and many others escape from Troy through the secret passage Hector showed her. Paris hands Aeneas the Sword of Troy by repeating his father's words that the Trojans will have a future as long as the sword is in Trojan hands. After helping the survivors off, He heads back into the city, bow and arrows at the ready as he had been practicing archery to join the rest of the Trojan army, but abandons them after hearing Briseis' voice calling him. Odysseus kills Glaucus and Agamemnon kills Priam.
Achilles searches for Briseis, who is being threatened by Agamemnon. She kills Agamemnon with a concealed knife and is saved from his guards by Achilles. While Achilles is helping Briseis to her feet, Paris, seeking revenge for his brother's death, shoots Achilles several times, the first shot being in his heel, his "only" vulnerable spot breaking the spell of immortality and the others in his body, before Briseis manages to stay his hand. Achilles urges Briseis to join Paris and escape from the city and then dies of his wounds. The soldiers arrive to see the fallen Achilles with only the single arrow through his heel, as he had removed all the others, in keeping with the myth that Achilles was killed by a single arrow to the heel. Funeral rituals are performed for him in the ruins of Troy the next day. The film ends with a speech from Odysseus, "If they ever tell my story, let them say I walked with giants. Men rise and fall like the winter wheat, but these names will never die. Let them say I lived in the time of Hector, tamer of horses. Let them say, I lived, in the time of Achilles."


Greeks members, advisers and servants (Mycenae and Sparta)
Kings and Warriors of other Greek states (e.g. Ithaca, Thessaly, etc.)
  • Peter O'Toole as Priam, the king of Troy, father of Hector and Paris, uncle of Briseis and father-in-law of Andromache.
  • Eric Bana as Hector, the prince of Troy and the best warrior among the Trojans. He is the elder son of Priam, brother of Paris, cousin of Briseis and husband of Andromache.
  • Orlando Bloom as Paris, the prince of Troy. He is the younger son of Priam, brother of Hector, cousin of Briseis and brother-in-law of Andromache. He is the lover of Helen.
  • Rose Byrne as Briseis, the priestess of Apollo, niece of Priam and cousin of Hector and Paris, cousin-in-law of Andromache. She is the lover of Achilles.
  • Saffron Burrows as Andromache, the princess of Troy and wife of Hector. She is the sister-in-law of Paris and daughter-in-law of Priam.
  • James Cosmo as Glaucus, the commanding general of the Trojan army.
  • Nigel Terry as Archeptolemus, the Trojan high priest and adviser of Priam.
  • Frankie Fitzgerald as Aeneas, a Trojan youth. As Troy is being sacked, Paris picks him at random to take the Sword of Troy, carrying the future of the Trojans into Virgil's epic, The Aeneid.


The city of Troy was built in the Mediterranean island of Malta at Fort Ricasoli from April to June 2003.[2] Other important scenes were shot in Mellieħa, a small town in the north of Malta, and on the small island of Comino. The outer walls of Troy were built and filmed in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico.[3] Film production was disrupted for a period of time after Hurricane Marty affected filming areas.[4] The role of Helen was initially offered to Bollywood superstar Aishwarya Rai, but she refused it because of the lovemaking scenes she was not comfortable doing. The role eventually went to Kruger.


Composer Gabriel Yared originally worked on the score for Troy for over a year, having been hired by the director, Wolfgang Petersen.
Yared wrote and recorded his score and Tanja Carovska provided vocals on various portions of the music, as she later would on composer James Horner's version of the soundtrack. However, after having screened the film with an early incomplete version of the score, the reactions at test screenings were against it and in less than a day Yared was off the project without being given a chance to fix or change his music, while Warner Bros was already looking for a replacement.[5] According to Yared, his score was removed due to a complaint by the screening audience that the score was too "old-fashioned".[6]
The replacement score was written by composer James Horner in about four weeks. He used Carovska's vocals again, and also included traditional Eastern Mediterranean music and brass instruments. Drums are conspicuous in the most dramatic scenes; most notably, in the duel between Achilles and Hector. Horner also collaborated with American singer/songwriter Josh Groban and lyricist Cynthia Weil to write an original song for the film's end credits. The product of this collaboration, "Remember" was performed by Groban with additional vocals by Tzarovska. The song is available on the film's original soundtrack.
A commentator, Alex Ross, claims that large portions of the score were essentially plagiarized from the pieces of which they are reminiscent.[7]
Around the time of the film's release in theaters, Gabriel Yared briefly made portions of his rejected score available on his personal website, which was later removed at the request of Warner Brothers. Bootleg versions exist on the Internet. Yared's score has since gained much attention from the fans of film music. Several petitions were made requesting the release of Yared's score either on a limited edition CD or as a bonus feature or secondary audio track on the film's DVD. Those requests however, have been denied by Warner Bros.

Director's cut

Troy: Director's Cut was screened at the 57th Berlin International Film Festival on February 17, 2007, and received a limited release in Germany in April 2007. Warner Home Video reportedly spent more than $1 million for the director's cut, which includes "at least 1,000 new cuts" or almost 30 minutes extra footage (with a new running time of 196 minutes). The DVD was released on September 18, 2007 in the US. The score of the film was changed dramatically, with many of the female vocals being cut. An addition to the music is the use of Danny Elfman's theme for Planet of the Apes during the pivotal fight between Hector and Achilles in front of the Gates of Troy.
Various shots were recut and extended. For instance, the love scene between Helen and Paris was reframed to include more nudity of Diane Kruger. The love scene between Achilles and Briseis is also extended. Only one scene was removed: the scene where Helen tends to the wound of Paris is taken out. The battle scenes were also extended, showing much more of Ajax's bloody rampage on the Trojans during the initial attack by the Greek Army. Perhaps most significant was the sacking of Troy, barely present in the theatrical cut, but shown fully here. Characters were given more time to develop, specifically Priam and Odysseus, the latter being given a humorous introduction scene. Lastly, bookend scenes were added: the beginning being a soldier's dog finding its dead master, and the end including a sequence where the few surviving Trojans escape to Mount Ida. In one of the commentary sequences, the film's writer, David Benioff, said that when it came to deciding whether to follow The Iliad or to do what was best for the film, they always decided with what was best for the film.


When the film was completed, total production costs were approximately $175,000,000. This made Troy one of the most expensive films produced in modern cinema. It was screened out of competition at the 2004 Cannes Film Festival.[8]
Troy screenings have earned US$133,378,256 in the United States.[9]
Troy made more than 73%[9] of its revenues outside the U.S. Eventually, Troy made over US$497 million worldwide,[9] placing it in the #60 spot of top box office hits of all time.
Troy met mixed reactions by reviewers. Rotten Tomatoes gave it an average approval rating of 55% from a base of 222 reviews,[10] while Yahoo! Movies gave it a critic rating of "B-" based on 15 reviews.[11] Roger Ebert, who disliked what he saw as an unfaithful adaptation of the Iliad, gave it two stars out of four. Ebert claimed that Troy "sidesteps the existence of the Greek gods, turns its heroes into action movie clichés and demonstrates that we're getting tired of computer-generated armies."[12]

Box office totals

  • Budget – $175,000,000[9]
  • Marketing cost – $50,000,000
  • Opening weekend gross (Domestic) – $46,865,412
  • Total domestic grosses – $133,378,256
  • Total overseas grosses – $364,031,596[9]
  • Total worldwide grosses – $497,409,852

skill is a gift from God
Allmighty God
Unity Everyone
for Mankind
Sang Sutradara tetaplah Yang Maha Segalanya, manusia cuma lakon