Minggu, 16 Februari 2014

tikus - jagoan - rebel - penyelamatan

Anak2 kita baik yg masih tk-sd-smp, pramuka, sma dan karang taruna perlu dilatih sadar bencana sejak dini; lewat kegiatan bersama di lapangan terbuka: doa, hiburan nyanyi - dongeng - mewarnai - bermain layang2, sumbangkan pakaian yg layak pakai, alat2 sekolah, acara renungan api unggun
  • Wiena Windari dan Mmiran Summiran menyukai ini.

    Makanya jangan minta harta, kalo doa2 itu dikabulkan, gampang aja alam memberi hartanya; tuh gunung2 meletus, magma yg muntah jadi jutaan metrik ton terdiri dari semua material mulia yg diburu org sedunia, tapi makan korban khan?
     jagoan naik offroader

    Yg tercatat dalam sejarah atlantis, ada 4 pilar dunia yg berupa gunung setinggi langit, semuanya di nusantara : gn toba jadi crater danau toba berdiameter 60km2, gn krakatau membelah sumatra jawa, gn sunda yg jadi kota bandung dan gn tambora yg jadi nusa tenggara (tambang emas newmont), semuanya waktu meletus makan puluhan ribu nyawa
    • Ferdy Firmansyah menyukai ini.


       penyelamatan by chinnok

       bantuan by hovercraft

      If you have time, please review this:

      animasi 3D
      Proposal :

      Explore the potential of Indonesian mythology spectacular digital animation film

      The need for a hero character / hero who has the noble values for the children of Indonesia , Asia and the world .

      The success of similar figures in the world market ( Batman , Spiderman , Superman , The Incredibles )

      PlayStation computer graphics technology with style is a trend of digital entertainment world today .

      Expansion towards merchandising industry will contribute a large profit


      The world of animation film industry develops very rapidly .

      China and other Asian negara2 had long been aware of this opportunity ,
      studio \ animation factory funded mmenuhi besar2an for this requirement .

      Negara2 our neighbors , especially Singapore , Malaysia , Thailand and
      Philippines has long been ready to meet the needs of this market .

      The negara2 excellence in human resources , especially cheap compared
      negara2 negara2 like America and Europe .

      Excellence States and Europe , on the script .

      In the animated film , which is the biggest market is in :

      Family entertainment ,
      Action adventure and
      Epic stories .

      Digital Animation ( 3d ) is his elite animation industry

      POWER :
      We need to combine POWER with Hollywood ,
      To ensure a product that is ideal : that is CHEAP and GREAT FILM .

      POWER I: Back up from the script Doctors in Hollywood , California , USA ,
      to penetrate the international market .

      POWER II : Experienced Creative and Technical Director who has engaged
      field for ten years in the United States and Singapore , which is a local team .

      Film Agents :
      Who are experienced in dealing with buyers and investors in

      1.5 hour movie
      Character models for merchandise

      Author of the story :
      International writers
      + Script Doctors from Hollywood

      Powered by :
             traditional -Pendalang/pencerita
             - Pakar2 Indonesian Folklore

      Format Films : Animation 3D

      More widely accepted International
      - Does not look " race " it ,
      Japan re-create the " power rangers " with western actors to international markets ,

      This does not happen on their cartoons , which remained unchanged for the western market .

      Longer survive in the market in DVD format movies and video

      Derivative products such as :
             - toy
             - comics
             - Reading for Education and entertainment
             - Game Development
             - Merchandising such as toys , T - shirts , etc.

      HOW TO SELL OUT FILM Negri :

      International flavor for the film :
      The story may be local ..
      Writer : internationally recognized companies , First language: English
      Need Script Analyzer from Hollywood / LA / U.S. based
      Director : internationally recognized companies
      Animators , Modelers , FX Artists , ... local people with the International experience
      How I

      Appoint agent / s to sell to distributors ,
      Distributors outright or
      get a percentage of sales .

      Method II

      Cooperation with " American Film company" that was in Asia , among others : EpicFilms , so it can be distributed to the American market
      USA does not accept non- USA movie ... unless there is cooperation with the U.S. company

      Selling price :

      AT LEAST $ 4 , 000,000 90 MINUTES FOR FILM .... ( for Film Independent )
      Source: IMDB.com ... Jason Brubaker .... Movie Maker .... Producer

      Create an Independent films .... For a budget under / $ 1,000,000
      To become a Pixar level we certainly need to go with the first small step .

      Best regards,

      Yosef Otto Pandin
      +62 82112889637

Jumat, 14 Februari 2014

aih aih

Mending beton daripada aspal, dah parah nih lobang2 jalannya, apalagi kalo ada genangan, gak keliatan tu jeglongan tau2 jeblos, dalem lagi

Masa pemilu ini masyarakat harus belajar personalia, pilih pimpinan yg bijak dan kita tau pengalaman hidupnya
Joanes Ari dan Kiki Lucky-Sugihrahayu menyukai ini.
  • Joanes Ari ditambah dengan latihan intuisi melihat masa depan ....

..Stop the rain from falling if you ask me too, I'll do anything for you, your wish is my command... You to me are everything ...

Foto                      genangan jan 2014
Karet Tengsin : karet yg udah gak bisa melar lagi
Nubuat 2013-2014 : tatanan dunia baru, nusantara baru; didahului bencana2, penyakit2 lalu perang antar kelompok2, manusia2 yg melanggar amanah penderitaan rakyat akan binasa. Barulah sistem yg baru munculFoto: Night series #2Ada tamu bilang sebelum tatanan dan sistem dunia baru muncul dan berlaku; terjadi bencana alam, penyakit dan peperangan
Foto: Hanya Coretan Biasa :D
dh mirip 3D lum ??
Apa yg Anda rasakan atau yg diinginkan ? Waktu kayanya cepet banget tapi gerak badan dan pikiran kok segini2 aja gampang cape n blm nyampe target